* Tim Nieradzik <tim.nieradzik@gmx.de> wrote:
F10 through F20?
You are right. I seem to have forgotten them. FLTK only supports F1 through F12 though. But implementing further function keys should not be that difficult. Does your keyboard have 20 function keys?
I only have 12 labelled function keys, but I generally map the extra keys (such as "multimedia" or "internet" keys) to F13-F20. It looks like fltk allows up to F35 ('LastFunctionKey = F0Key+35', but has no actual names for 13 to 34. For now, I'd add F10-F12 and wait on the others.
Keypad keys?
You mean the arrows while having "Num Lock" disabled?
I'm not sure how fltk handles it, but X11 sends different key codes for regular Enter versus KP_Enter, different codes for the keypad arrows, etc. Try pressing keys in a 'xev' window to see the exact differences.
What about Meta, Hyper, Super, AltGr, and Modeshift? Or, more generally, Mod1 through Mod5?
FLTK does not support all of them. I only added those modifiers I thought to be most important. fltk/events.h contains a list of all supported modifiers. Please tell me which ones you want me to add.
Okay, looking through fltk/events.h, it appears that fltk's authors either don't understand or don't care about X11 modifier keys. So, I'd add Meta and forget the rest. If the toolkit doesn't support it, the app probably can't either.
replaced by a table instead of a bunch of if/else statements.
Great idea but how do we realize it best?
Probably in a different changeset. It's just an idea for later. -- Scott