Jorge wrote:
On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 05:21:07PM +0000, corvid wrote:
Jorge wrote:
* Jump to #anchor doesn't work correctly. It looks like a timing issue, but the idle-call API needs a review as a whole.
Speaking of idle, is there a reasonable way to make it so that the importance goes 1) network->cache 2) UI responsive 3) cache->textblock
Given the way the code and network engine are designed, there're much simpler ways to achieve UI responsiveness.
For instance: AFAIR, currently the redraw requests are queued and idled. When the idle queue is finally processed all the pending redraws are issued one after another. Considering that rendering is a resource-heavy operation, if the drawing code could cancel the previous requests and only issue the really needed ones this alone could reduce CPU usage by a significative factor, and make the whole browser feel much faster.
Ohh... I thought it was doing this already.