Hi there! Thanks Phil (Pennock) for your answer on Unix domain sockets. I kept cosidering the alternatives, and apart from the UDS idea (not feasible), the incomplete "bye" command, there's also another option! kill `ps -U <USER> | grep bm_srv12 | sed 's/^ *//g' | cut -d' ' -f1` That is, issued from dillo to force the shut down of a running bookmark server. For instance: if the user is "jcid" then a: kill `ps -U jcid | grep bm_srv12 | sed 's/^ *//g' | cut -d' ' -f1` solves the problem. Obviously, the definitive solutions need a well defined design (which I'm currently studying, BTW is a bit like JINI). The point is: Does this command work well on *BSDs, and Solaris? If that command can bring a running server down, we're done! Andreas: please give it a try. If, let's say, tomorrow I have some feedback, I'd commit a version that includes the command and 0.7.2 would be scheduled for release on Friday, so Phil B. can pack a .deb that's ready at announce time. Cheers Jorge.-