Lately I've been finding many sites covered, or all but covered, with what may be either very dense pictographs, or a version of the stuff printed on the backs or carbons of checks to keep part of the data from being legible on the copies. rpm -q says I'm running dillo-0.8.5-2.fc5 ; on this machine the opening screen doesn't show the version when I open it from another app (It's my default browser.), but when I open it from its icon, it calls itself 0.8.5-i18n-misc. Does that mean I have two conflicting versions installed?? cron does yum update nightly, and I do it manually from time to time. Anyway, what is wrong, and how do I fix it? -- Beartooth Staffwright, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert FC5; Pine 4.64, Pan; Privoxy 3.0.3; CXO 5.0.1 Dillo 0.8.5, Opera 8.54, Firefox 1.5, Epiphany 2.14 Remember I have little idea what I am talking about.