On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 05:12:07PM +0300, Tomas R wrote:
Been testing dillo 2.1 for some time and would like to share my experience.
It's really great to see some basic css support (appearance of most if not all websites has improved alot), properly resized images, redirection and basic authentication working now :)
Anyway, even dillo improved alot recently there still seems to be some issues. Here are some I've noticed after testing this release for few days: Rendering 1) ubuntu.lt Not sure if it's dillo fault or website's malformed stylesheet, but with default dillo settings some of the lithuanian characters are not displayed. This can be fixed by just adding "* {font-family: serif !important}" to the style.css. Here is a pic with some of the places where letters are missing marked in red: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/2227/ubuntult.png 2) gmail It's nice that login works now, but with default dillo settings the size of most of the text is 1px. This can be partially fixed by adding font_min_size to dillorc, but it's obviously a dillo bug as this doesn't happen with links-hacked. 3) google What's with the textarea in the top left corner of the page? And just for information: signing out doesn't work because it requires basic javascript support (works with links-hacked). 4) Black on black, white on white... http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42776&start=2660&sid=a5712379bdb845ed64a2dfdca10509ea For some reason black font color is used here and we get black text on black background in some posts (doesn't happen with links-hacked). http://www.acetoneteam.org/ Background color is not set here and if we have "body {background-color: white}" rule in our style.css file, we get white text on white background.
hg tip now has support for color definitions of the form rgb(255,255,255). Please give it a try. Cheers, Johannes