On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 10:59:58PM -0400, Jorge Arellano Cid wrote:
I once asked in this list how many developers were willing to work on Dillo FLTK2 if released. One answer still stands.
Dear Jorge, I still think that Dillo is very useful, and it would be a pity if this project died. The reactions on this mailing list show that many people feel like this. But it may not the best approach to ask people to declare in advance that they will contribute to Dillo. I myself get involved in projects the other way round: I have an idea of how to improve things, and if the source code is available (and I have enough time), I start playing around. If at the end anything reasonable comes out, I send it to the project leader, as I did with my Dillo patches. This might then be the starting point for more contributions. I would guess that many people do it this way. Cheers, -- Matthias Franz