Rajesh wrote:
I am using Dillo 2.2 on RHEL desktop version 5. I am trying to simulate a working Dillo on my desktop before moving the same to my ARM based Embedded Platform.
Presently, I am able to run Dillo and browse web pages. However this requires use of Mouse. I would like to eliminate mouse and use only keyboard. Further, I would like the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys on my keyboard to move to a previous/next link on the currently opened web page. Further, I would like that upon pressing "ENTER" key at this time, the previously selected link is opened.
Basically, I would like to use LEFT/RIGHT and ENTER keys to navigate through an already opened web page (Without Mouse).
Can any body please help me how to achieve this using Dillo.
Here's a recent thread that's relevant: http://lists.auriga.wearlab.de/pipermail/dillo-dev/2010-February/007271.html