Hi Kevin, On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 01:45:24PM +1000, Kevin Koster wrote:
I use Dillo 3.0.5 (with SNI support added to the HTTPS plug-in) for the majority of my web browsing, so it's great to see some movement towards the next version. Testing 3.1.0-rc1 I still notice some HTML rendering regressions and other bugs which I'll report in this and the following emails.
Thank you for testing 3.1.0-rc1 and reporting the problems. I will try to address them in the following days.
I don't see any of these the GitHub Issues section, but I won't post them there because I hate the GitHub website - it doesn't work in my favourite web browser for one thing! Other people are welcome to, though I'll only participate in discussion here.
It is fine. I also don't like the GitHub website and I'm looking to switch to something more convenient with multi-platform CI.
URL: http://my-addr.com/ CSS: enabled or disabled Summary: Links closed empty due to <a> containing <div>. 3.0.5: All links on page are usable and <a> elements don't have errors listed in the bug window. 3.1.0-rc1: Links below the horizontal heading bar at the top of the page aren't usable, they're just shown as plain text. The Bug window shows all of these <a> elements are closed when a <div> element is found inside them, leaving no text present inside the link. I see that <div> isn't allowed inside <a> according to the standard, but other browsers (Links and Firefox) still render this website's links in a functional way and it's a pretty inconvenient breakage.
That page declares compliance with HTML 4.01 Transitional but then proceeds to not follow it. In HTML 4.01, anchors cannot contain div elements[1] so Dillo closes the anchor[2]. In HTML 5 they are allowed, so those anchors would work properly. [1]:https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/loosedtd.html#inline [2]:https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo/blob/v3.1.0-rc1/src/html.cc#L3742 We try to stick to the standards rather than implementing a quirks mode like Firefox. If we allow broken pages to be displayed properly, there is no incentive for them to be fixed. My recommendation is that you contact the website so they fix it (along with the 92 errors reported by the HTML validator)[3]. [3]:https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fmy-addr.com%2F Best, Rodrigo.