On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 10:46:41AM -0400, Jorge Arellano Cid wrote:
On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 02:12:37PM +0000, corvid wrote:
Jorge wrote:
On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 04:06:00AM +0100, higuita wrote:
hi again
> Please test this long patch: (...) Considering that we may release this Saturday, we have three days to test it, which is not much. Heavy testing and good reports may make me add it in though...
i also applied the patch and all seens to be working, no problem what so ever with a full day of testes
Johannes, corvid: Have you tried it?
I played with it for a bit yesterday in an effort to break it, but it wouldn't break.
I was a little surprised that I could pop it up when it had been hidden, but then I recalled that alt-f is listed in dillo2-help.
That is absolutely intentional!
Johannes: are you there? :-)
Yup, didn't manage to crash it either... Cheers, Johannes