F10 through F20?
You are right. I seem to have forgotten them. FLTK only supports F1 through F12 though. But implementing further function keys should not be that difficult. Does your keyboard have 20 function keys?
Keypad keys?
You mean the arrows while having "Num Lock" disabled?
What about Meta, Hyper, Super, AltGr, and Modeshift? Or, more generally, Mod1 through Mod5?
FLTK does not support all of them. I only added those modifiers I thought to be most important. fltk/events.h contains a list of all supported modifiers. Please tell me which ones you want me to add.
BTW, I know it was like this before too, but something to think about for later is that this section could probably be replaced by a table instead of a bunch of if/else statements.
Great idea but how do we realize it best?
And, if you want to have an easier time keeping the formatting consistent, try this in your vimrc:
" show tabs and trailing spaces set listchars=tab:>-,trail:- set list
Thanks for the hint. I have added it to my vimrc.
It's a minor thing really, but I noticed some inconsistent whitespace, and those config lines make it really easy to spot. :)
Okay, I try to pay attention on it the next time. --Tim