Hi guys! Here's a copy of an email I sent to Michael Sweet (maintainer of FLTK). Hold your breath and I'll forward the answers! Cheers Jorge.- ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 17:59:23 -0300 (CLST) From: Jorge Arellano Cid <jcid@dillo.org> To: mike@easysw.com Subject: FLTK and Dillo Hi Michael! Brief: is it possible to port Dillo to FLTK? We were following our plan to port dillo from GTK1 (currently used TK) to GTK2, when one of our list subscribers suggested considering FLTK because of shared philosophy backgrounds:
[...] IMHO considering Dillo's concentration on speed and stability, it seems like it would be more appropriate to port the future Dillo to fltk not fat bloated GTK2.0.
I made a skim visit to FLTK's home and it looked far from being able to supply what we need, but then I came across this comment of yours: <q> "First, the current 1.x release of FLTK is portable to all systems using X11 and has "native" support for Windows and OSX, too. The whole low-level interface to the window system is abstracted via a very thin layer within FLTK, which means that you can easily port it to other environments (there is a version of FLTK for many of the Linux-based PDAs, for example.) The 2.0 release of FLTK (currently in development) will actually have separate modules (a la GDK in the GTK+ world) that implement the device class for various interfaces - X11, Quartz, WIN32, any of several framebuffer APIs, etc. Second, there is a version of FLTK 1.1.x that uses UTF-8 for input and display of Unicode; this will also be part of 2.0." </q> And things started to look interesting... I started a thread on our mailing list to ask for comments from the other developers (subject FLTK): http://news.gmane.org/thread.php?group=gmane.comp.web.dillo.devel I beleive that if it's possible to port Dillo to FLTK, it'd be a great step ahead for both projects. Now, you being the project maintainer of FLTK are among the best ones to ask! :-) In general terms, here're our main concerns: 1.- C bindings. Dillo is written in C while FLTK in C++, is there a way to bind C code with FLTK? 2.- Unicode, UTF-8. This was the main reason for considering GTK2. Is FLTK ready to render Unicode characters? 3.- Antialiasing. Is it possible? 4.- Tables, layout? and extensibility This is maybe the core of it. Currently dillo not only uses GTK1's widgets, but has its own set: dillo widgets or Dw. These Dw are embedded into GTK1 widgets, and Dw can also embedd GTK1 widgets. Can we do something alike with FLTK? 5.- Keyboard bindings Is it possible to customize keyboard bindings? 6.- Copy&Paste (clipboard) Does FLTK provide this? Can it be extended with our custom widgets inside Dillo? That's the core of the problem (AFAIS). It'd be great if we can collaborate to make it happen. Please feel free to answer to me, or to the FLTK thread in our list (it doesn't require a subscription). I'll be looking forward to hear from you. Sincerely Jorge.- http://www.dillo.org/