- This change is not backwards compatible. Do not read old dillorc format and it is a big inconvenience for users.
No, the new format is not backward compatible but it supports the equal signs which were used in the old format for associations. Dillo is mostly used by experienced Linux users who should not have any problems adding a simple "set " before each line. Backward compatibility should never be used as an argument against enhancements. Otherwise programs would just become larger and larger. They carry various compatibility layers without any real benefits. The more compatibility code an application contains, the more difficult it is to maintain it.
- Can delete some meta info stored in dillorc.
Do you mean that the migration ``tool'' may delete comments? The dillorc is not migrated automatically (even though writing a small scrip would not be too difficult). As the user has to do this manually, it is one's choice whether to keep the comments or not.
- There are compatible ways to add this preferences (key_save = "...", key_find = "CTRL + f", ...)
Sure, but options were not initially thought of as being used for key bindings. When using a special keyword which is only valid for one preferences type (bindings), it is possible to add further parameters such as groups (useful when having lots of key bindings). The other advantage of this implementation is that we could easily modify it to allow multiple key bindings for one symbol.
- If the number of key bindings increase much another config file can be convenient. With another config file some example files can be suplied (vim keys, firefox keys, ...) and end user only need to copy the prefered file.
The idea of having several ``preset'' files for key bindings is well. In my opinion, we should give the user the right to decide whether to put everything into one file or to separate the configuration into multiple files. Therefore an "include" command for the dillorc should be implemented. Then we could put something like "include /usr/share/dillo/bindings/default" there, as well as some others. Now, if somebody wants to try different key bindings, you would just have to uncomment this particular line. There is no need for replacing your local bindings just to try others out. --Tim