On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 10:36:34 -0500 Eythan Weg <weg@indiscrete.org> wrote:
How about horizontal/vertical split of a tab. One use for it is being able to compare side by side different parts of the same document.
at the point where you find that you also want you text editor side-by-side with dillo to edit your page and consider integrating one with dillo, you should notice that this is probably the wrong level to solve the problem at... such things seem less like a feature to add into a specific application, (ands to be repeated in each new application!) but ask for a more more general system, for example a windowmanager feature. <offtopic><plug> a windowmanager that implements such features is ion: http://modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~tuomov/ion/ while it's different managment models probably take time to get used to, it's perfect for such tasks. i made screenshots of a split dillo example: http://users.auriga.wearlab.de/~r00t/sidebyside-1.png http://users.auriga.wearlab.de/~r00t/sidebyside-2.png </plug></offtopic>
Greetings, Thorben