12 May
12 May
7:06 a.m.
In article <Pine.LNX.4.20L2.0305111419150.27432-100000@budvar.future- i.net>, Ed Avis <ed@membled.com> writes
I was able to add FTP support to my copy of Dillo with a one line patch in IO/Url.c:
static UrlMethod2_t cccList[] = { {"http" , a_Http_ccc}, + {"ftp" , a_Http_ccc}, {"file" , a_File_ccc},
Of course this is cheating becuase it requires an http proxy server. But given that I have such a server running, ftp in Dillo works well.
is it practical to lash up a harness to say wget by this route? -- robert w hall