Now, I understand that it's going to take a lot of time and effort from you developers to get a smiley face on this page. ?I don't expect a Dillo 2.3 to be released tomorrow with a nice smiley face when taking the Acid 2 test.
I don't expect a smile there any time soon. There is a lot of details missing for complete CSS 2.1 support. On the other hand I expect many pages to look quite ok, once floats are working.
Agreed. Real web browser developers know that fixing things so that real-world pages look better is more important than passing those Acid tests; those tests mainly exist to encourage makers of mainstream browsers to keep up to date with the newest CSS and Javascript (I mean ECMAscript) standards.
What exact CSS feature is missing. From looking at your page I see:
?* floats - this is one of the big ticket items for dillo. ?* background images
One thing that would be nice is background images. However, the main reason why I added a bunch of @media all things to hide CSS from Dillo 2.2 is because I have a nice-looking blue navigation box in the upper right hand corner of the text content that is drawn using CSS. Fairly strict interpretation of CSS standards is needed for it to look OK. Indeed, I have a bunch of CSS hacks to have something that looks almost as nice in Internet Explorer 6. This box looked really ugly in Dillo 2.2 until I hid all of that CSS from Dillo using @media all. Now, since I'm an open source developer myself, I understand that you're not getting paid for this and that we do not have a customer-supplier relationship here. I understand that, if I really want CSS background images, I need to either supply a patch or pay someone to make said patch.
Interesting point. On the other hand I doubt many web designers actually care how their page looks in dillo :(
I always try and keep my pages reasonable looking in Dillo because it is, for certain older computers, the only way to graphically browse the net at all. There are probably people out there on fixed incomes still using 486s or early Pentium computers who need to use Dillo for accessing the web. Dillo fills an important niche for people who say "I can't run even Opera 9 on my computer"; I can tell them the page looks fine in Dillo and they really shouldn't be using Netscape 4 or whatever to browse the web today. - Sam