10 Apr
10 Apr
3:43 a.m.
Hi. I tried r7473 on FreeBSD 8.0R and I found that Japanese input method (kinput2) didn't work on "search the web". All other cases like URL bar, HTML input and find text are OK. "Search the web" had the same problem on fltk-2.0-6916 but when I switched virtual screens, input method started working somehow. Regards, furaisanjin 2010/4/10 corvid <corvid@lavabit.com>:
Some compose / input method stuff. http://fltk.org/articles.php?L986 http://fltk.org/newsgroups.php?s4670+gfltk.commit+v4689+T0
If you find it to be an improvement, then we can update the recommendation...