Hi, On Mon, Oct 08, Matthias Franz wrote:
Fine! Only using the arrow keys is quite slow and consumes all CPU time on my machine. In contrast, srolling with the old Dillo was quick and produced almost no CPU load.
Just to save your time for investigating this further: This is a known problem. Generally, the GTK-based dillo drew only the part of the viewport, which was really needed, e.g. - scrolling was optimized, by copying one part, and redrawing only the formerly invisibly part (IIRC, this was done mostly by GTKLayout), - small redraw requests (changing the color of a link, drawing one line of an image ...) resulted in drawing of actually small areas, - etc. This is not yet implemented in FLTK, due to the worse support by FLTK, which seems only to support redrawing of whole widgets. (And from the view of FLTK, the viewport is simply one FLTK widget.) For this reason, any redraw request results in redrawing the whole viewport area, which is of course horribly inefficient. In the documentation, there is a list of known problems with FLTK, available at dw-testbed-0.0.47/html/fltk-problems.html (after running doxygen). Anyone, which is a bit familiar with this, is invited to investigate this problem (and the other ones) further. (The "core" of Dw is already prepared, it is just a problem of connecting it to the FLTK-specific code.) When I'm just at it:
A question: Would it be difficult to add mouse wheel support as well? On my machine that does not work. (Or is thia a configuration issue regarding FLTK?)
Scrolling is completely done by Dw (or, the FLTK part of Dw), so it is, as Johannes already mentioned, missing code. I do not know how scrolling wheel events are handled, but once this problem is solved, it should be simple to add. Sebastian