Hi there, I happen to be enjoying a much needed holiday week! :-) The plan is to come back around near wednesday 25. In the meanwhile, I leave you with the following issues lurking in my list to be considered. Maybe all of them can be left to the release after 2.1, but maybe not: [ ] https dialog bombing issue. BUG#868 When enabled, multiple https requests to the same site result in dialog bombing. The https dpi is disabled by default in Dillo. Anyway, in Debian, there's a security warning against dillo for not checking certificates (I don't know what version of dillo they use, nor why they enable https.) [ ] Jump to #anchor doesn't work correctly. The idle timeout doesn't work reliably (an old bug). [ ] Implement @import statement in STYLE element. [ ] What will we do with xhtml? FF doesn't validate. BUG#732 This would be interesting to define. (already suggested as discussion material in another thread). [ ] "-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions" gcc: 64KB less. Enabling this switches reduces the binary size. [ ] dpi for "view page source" (it re-uses search capability). Waiting since a long time... [-] BUG#892 prefs bg_color is not working Johannes was working on related things... [ ] META refresh: "instant client-side redirect". [ ] META refresh: URL='<URI>' case. I plan to implement both when I'm back (and to include them in dillo-2.1). BTW, I want to welcome Tim Nieradzik as a new developer and to tell Joao that the bug in the find-text iterator is not that much important. Just focus on something more urgent. -- Cheers Jorge.-