Am Sun, 24 Apr 2011 11:57:52 -0800 schrieb Roger <>:
Looking at this from a coding perspective, the ctrl+q combo will close tabs, ***as well as*** quit the application.
Yes, that's the case with dillo... I don't think that this is the best way. I'd have to look up whatever the "official" GUIdeline should be, but in NEdit (as well as xpdf) ctrl+w only closes open documents (which may be tabs, or some of the multiple windows of the app), where ctrl+q is needed to close the application... oh; in xpdf you need simple "q" for closing the app, ctrl+q won't do it. Lame. So much for a standard. Hm. You checked Seamonkey ... Let's look at another behemoth: OpenOffice (a reason to start it once in a month;-). Yup. The same: Ctrl+w closes files, but also the app when no file open. Ctrl+q closes the app right away.
So maybe ctrl+w should be assigned to close tabs within Dillo? (I've noticed too, when I go to close a tab within Seamonkey I would accidentally press ctrl+q to close a window -- and watch in horror as Seamonkey quit 5+ tabs of active research! ;-)
Yeah, it seems that using ctrl+w for closing tabs and dillo would be what others do (though I would prefer to limit the closing to ctrl+q). But then, re-defining ctrl+q to close dillo right away would mean a big change from the existing function. Anyhow, my comment was mainly about introducing yet another shift with the different working of the right or middle mouse buttons... the answer to the keyboard shortcuts might be user-configurable mappings anyway -- which still leaves open the question for the sane default. Alrighty then, Thomas.