* Jorge Arellano Cid (jcid@dillo.org):
I'm glad fltk2 is working without hassled on the FreeBSDs.
Hey, BSD is not that exotic! In fact I have been tracking fltk2 snapshots locally on a monthly basis and they all worked (well, they compiled) with the notable exception of the latest one - which does not compile :/ I hope this will sort itself out, though.
The fltk2 port for FreeBSD is upcoming; I am applying some final touches and will submit a "new port request" within the next days.
Do you mean to have the new fltk2 port "in place" before dillo-0.8.6?
This depends on how fast you are with releasing dillo-0.8.6 :) I hope to get the port out this week but it takes a "ports committer" to actually get it into the tree so I cannot say when exactly fltk2 will be available via FreeBSD ports. The dillo 0.8.6 update will not ship with dlgui enabled by default so there is no hard dependency on fltk2 that could stop the dillo port from being updated. I will, however, disable threaded DNS on FreeBSD 4.x since some resolver functions are explicitly described as not thread-safe there. On 5.x and up, thread support is no longer an issue to worry about.