Hi guys, Currently I'm searching for a small footprint webbrowser to use on my blackin device. This device is driven by uClinux. The first positive I can tell you is, that I compiled fltk2 for blackfin with success. I followed the instructions on tw.myblog.yahoo.com/stevegigijoe/article<http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/stevegigijoe/article?mid=138&prev=-1&next=137> to compile and run fltk2. My modifications can be read at https://blackfin.uclinux.org/gf/project/uclinux-dist/forum/?_forum_action=Fo... So now I'm facing a problem with the configure script of dillo. I had to make few changes to configure.in to recognize crosscompiled Fltk2 lib. These changes went ok but when configure checks libz, then it crashes because it can't find right version of the library. So my question is, how can I tell configure to search in my uClinux directory where the library already is persistent for use with uClinux. Best Regards from Germany, Michae