Hi On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 07:54:23PM +0200, Johannes Hofmann wrote:
Hi Sebastian,
first of all thanks for your great work!
On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 05:55:44PM +0200, Sebastian Geerken wrote:
On Mon, Oct 08, Matthias Franz wrote:
Fine! Only using the arrow keys is quite slow and consumes all CPU time on my machine. In contrast, srolling with the old Dillo was quick and produced almost no CPU load.
Just to save your time for investigating this further: This is a known problem. Generally, the GTK-based dillo drew only the part of the viewport, which was really needed, e.g.
- scrolling was optimized, by copying one part, and redrawing only the formerly invisibly part (IIRC, this was done mostly by GTKLayout),
This is already implemented in dillo-fltk from cvs. But gtk1 seems to use an even faster approach. I think they use XMoveWindow() instead of XCopyArea() for most part of the window, which seems to be faster especially on some older machines.
You can try FLTK2-r5941 (weekly stable). With that version we can ask in fltk-dev for details. -- Cheers Jorge.-