On Sat, 10 Sep 2011 01:35:38 -0400, corvid <corvid at lavabit.com> wrote:
If it should happen that many of the various desktop environments set these values, getting this all to work reasonably correctly might be pleasing to everyone nowadays who expects all of their windows to look similar. People are very first-impression ("It's ugly!" *deletes*)...
I agree; appearances are important. I'd also recommend using the system colors for tabs, rather than a hard-coded scheme. Teal is nice, but it might clash with some people's desktops. As it happens, I have a patch that does both: http://dillo-win32.sourceforge.net/patches/24-colors.diff I also have a patch that vastly improves the tabbar appearance with just a couple small tweaks: http://dillo-win32.sourceforge.net/patches/23-tabs.diff Compare the tabs in these two screenshots: http://www.dillo.org/screenshots/source.png (mainline) http://dillo-win32.sourceforge.net/screenshots/Z02-dillo3-homepage.png (patched) Take a look and tell me what you think. Cheers, ~Benjamin