It works for me with today's CVS and your patch. in dillorc: geometry=320x200+50+50 dillo.pos/src>./dillo Setting geometry from rc to 320x200 50 50 ... The only problem, it seems, is that it still prints the dillorc setting, even when the CLI option is used: dillo.pos/src>./dillo -geometry 700x100+10+400 Setting geometry from CLI to 700x100 10 400 Setting geometry from rc to 320x200 50 50 ... The first one is actually used, but having the second message is confusing. Best, EG -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev] Patch to allow setting of initial position" de Jan Dittmer, le 30-Nov-2003 :
Jorge Arellano Cid wrote: | | I understand. Maybe the "canonical" solution to this problem is | to add support for the geometry CLI option. | | That is: | | -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y> | | Can you make the patch this way? |
Here is a preliminary version. Only problem is that entering it in the dillorc doesn't work, because the parser doesn't recognize the + as part of a string resulting in these errors:
dillorc:2: unexpected character `+', expected symbol dillorc:2: unexpected character `0', expected symbol dillorc:2: unexpected character `+', expected symbol dillorc:2: unexpected character `0', expected symbol dillorc:2: error: unexpected character `0', expected symbol
So I tried changing
- - "~-_:&%#/.0123456789" + "~-_:&%#/.0123456789+"
in prefs.c, which doesn't work. How the parse be changed that it recognizes + as part of the value?
Jan -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric GAUDET <> Le 30-Nov-2003 a 13:41:12 "Parler pour ne rien dire et ne rien dire pour parler sont les deux principes majeurs et rigoureux de tous ceux qui feraient mieux de la fermer avant de l'ouvrir." ------------------------------------------------------------------------