I was having a look around the web to see what reaction there was to the 3.0 release, and the Puppy Linux folks were having a thread that went something like "Pity it's so ugly" "Here, try these other FLTK schemes" "Hey, that's great!" -- which is evidence that adding a preference would be welcomed by users.
Ugly? I think it looks just fine and dandy. I've rarely switched to other then the default theme a GUI gives because the default is usually has the best color contrast and themed conservatively. Of course, I'm more concerned about functionality then how something "looks". At most, think a "color picker" for choosing default frame and button colors, or empty boxes for manually stating a color number... similar to what color terminals do for theming. But these are just my random thoughts here, trying to save you from a mess of work that will only benefit a few. ;-) -- Roger http://rogerx.freeshell.org/