On 9/23/11, corvid <corvid at lavabit.com> wrote:
I think I'm with Axel on not liking to waste pixels on the tabs,
Take another look at this screenshot: http://dillo-win32.sourceforge.net/dillo/screenshots.php?closeup=Z02-dillo3-... If there's any wasted space in that window, it's in the File menu and location bar, not in the tabs. A couple extra pixels in the tab bar height is *not* wasted space if it improves the tabs' appearance and readability; you wouldn't say books waste valuable inches with their margins, would you?
and, as for FL_NORMAL_SIZE, I'll likely commit the patch that changes it based on font_factor, so if you have your font_factor small, you may get your wish. (As for me, I'm happy with 14px.)
If you're typing a document in a word processor and you zoom in, does the entire interface zoom with it? Of course not. The font face and size used in the user interface should be independent of the fonts used for page rendering. Of course, I suppose Unix is still a lawless wasteland, but professionally-developed modern desktop systems like Windows and OS X have guidelines for this sort of thing (and the higher-end toolkits like Qt even suggest following those guidelines, even if you don't develop for those specific platforms). Fortunately, by now I'm no stranger to patching either Dillo or FLTK... ~Benjamin