Glyn Kennington ha scritto:
Roberto A. Foglietta wrote:
It able to refresh AND redirect, but only if -r option is specified in command line. May be you can modify it to refresh ALWAYS and use -r option ONLY for redirect when time is more than the specified offset
-r <seconds>
The more I think about how I'd go about hacking this functionality in, the more questions it brings up...
As well as a time boundary, I think it would probably be best to include another option to specify which refreshes to honour. At the moment it's a simple choice between
1 (default): no refresh 2 (with -r): all refreshes permitted
Rather than changing the first to be "refresh only, no redirect", could I suggest some kind of choice between the following three?
1: no refresh 2: refreshes allowed, redirects not 3: refreshes + redirects permitted
And then we get into the murky area of limiting the times for these. Could/should it be a different value for refreshes and for redirects? What to do if the page requests a shorter timeout than allowed: ignore it altogether, or handle after the minimum timeout has elapsed?
Is that too many command-line options? Would an entry (or several) in dillorc be more suitable?
that sounds good: -r only refresh -rr redirect too but I think that dillo could not complain about refresh because they are HTML-standard compliant and it is the reason because meta-refresh was been invented. So if we would stay on the standards we have to accept it even if we don't like it. The reason because I decided not to include the option in dillorc is beacuse -r -rr could be an alias which the user could setup in his/her shellrc while dillorc could be modified acrivating the option by distribution without knowledge of end-users. In this last case safe behaviure of dillo would be overloaded out of our/end-user control. Warning on refresh are very boring and fails completely in automated systems like embedded while warning on redirect could be much more acceptable for end users. So I think my patch was not so much usefull if dillo was HTML-stadard compliant but because my refresh needs we could discover (and sombody else) fix a very evil memory leak bug in pthread library. Cheers, -- Roberto A. Foglietta Analista Programmatore GNU/Linux SAD Trasporto Locale S.p.a. Corso Italia 13/N 39100 BOLZANO (I) Tel. +39/0471-450.261 Fax +39/0471-450.253