Hi'all, I'm currently adding keyboard navigation to Dillo. A quick search on the web produces loads of opinions on which keys to use for what purpose, how to navigate using the keyboard, etc. The w3c has produced some guidelines for 'accessibility' (http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/sect508-UAAG.html#keyboard) which I will take into account for this feature, and the Mozilla project has done quite a bit of brainstorming on the subject. This is a request for some comments from current Dillo users/developers on what you would like Dillo to be like in this respect. My plan is to implement basic keyboard navigation for links and other content which can be activated (input fields, checkboxes, buttons, etc). For this I already have a working implementation. I will probably add accesskey support as well. Currently I use the cursor keys plus a modifier (now CTRL, will probably switch to ALT/META) to navigate to the nearest link (up/down/left/right), while the TAB key navigates sequentially through all 'activatable' content. Shift-TAB should do the same in reverse, but this is currently not working as it should. Enter activates the current link (embedded GTK+ widgets have their own conventions for this, eg. radiobuttons can *also* be selected using the spacebar, etc...). The find feature will be able to set the current focused link (not implemented yet). If you have any suggestions on this subject, send them to the list. Should this feature be optional? On devices without a keyboard (many PDA's) keyboard navigation does not help much after all... On the other hand, the generalised 'focus' mechanism I've added to the viewport can be used for other purposes as well. Cheers//Frank -- WWWWW ________________________ ## o o\ / Frank de Lange \ }# \| / +46-734352015 \ \ `--| _/ <Hacker for Hire> \ `---' \ +31-640037120 / \ frank@unternet.org / `------------------------' [ "Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est." ]