7 May
7 May
9:45 p.m.
Johannes Hofmann (2009-05-07 21:17):
On Thu, May 07, 2009 at 06:02:08PM +0000, corvid wrote:
Rogut?s wrote:
And one more suggestion: wouldn't it be more intuitive to have "command = keybinding" instead of "keybinding = command"?
Well in muttrc you have e.g:
bind pager <Down> next-line
So it's rather "keybinding = command". Perhaps the '=' is a bit confusing.
Looks like you're right. And shell's bindkey expects a key first (as well as vim's :map). Intuitive is the notion that the shorter part should be supplied first. Currently, dillo's commands look shorter/cleaner than keybindings. And it is the other way around with mutt's and vim's complex (more evolved?) commands... -- -- Rogut?s Sparnuotos