My current tab/frame patch (which will probably be released AFTER the 20th of september, as I am going abroad for a while) contains a find_as_you_type implementation (like Mozilla, search results are updated interactively).
I was very happy when Mozilla implemented Emacs' incremental seach, so I would really like to find it in Dillo, too. Is the patch available somewhere?
I also included an option to use the status bar and location bar instead of popup windows for search and open_url (popups are quite often not worth the hassle...).
Yes, I agree, and I would make use of this patch. But popups should still be there, so new users won't be lost.
User controls for find (and find_as_you_type) are the same as the normal find dialog ("/" or CTRL-F to start find, ESC to close, enter to search/search next), but find now retains the last search string between searches.
(could we add shift-enter to search backwards?) I really liked Gtk ability to let the user customize menu key bindings. So what do you think about making a menu entry for each Dillo command? That would create numerous new entries but then the user does not need to read the manual to know that '/' is for incremental-search and he would be able to customize the key-bindings to his taste. The drawback, is that there will be more menu entries. (You use Sylpheed-Claws, you can see that we moved most advanced editing commands in Compose/Edit/ Advanced.. to lighten the edit menu while allowing the user to set her preferred key-bindings (Ctrl-A being one of the most controversial)).
Is this something you'd like to see in Dillo, or should I keep these to myself?
Definitely, I would use it quite frequently. I would also find it useful if we could navigate through links using the keyboard.