On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 17:55:36 -0400 Jorge Arellano Cid <jcid@dillo.org> wrote:
Jörgen, and everybody
I just noticed that GMANE is forcing javascript to display mailing list searches :(. Well, we have the relevant dillo-dev mail folders, so maybe it's time to provide that service from our web site.
There surely are good programs for doing this. Does anyone know of a good candidate?
(the problem is: given a set of mailfolders, provide a search engine with an HTML interface to them).
i searched for such a thing quite a bit when setting up the list server, but there didn't seem to be ANY available solutions, short of the hack of indexing the html archives with a text search engine... (which has it's own problems due to summary pages containing subjects from many different mails and so on). i'll check what Todd suggested and try to get something running...
Cheers Jorge.-
- Thorben