On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 15:41:48 -0400, Jeremy Henty <onepoint at starurchin.org> wrote:
Globe Trotter wrote:
Sorry to ask something perhaps really dumb, but when I click on some links, eg a pdf file, I get prompted to save the file. Is it possible for me to transfer the file to some external program (say /usr/bin/epdfview) to open after download? Does this have to programmed in somewhere? Where? As a dpi? If the latter, where are the instructions?
I think that the DPI interface is perhaps overly complicated for the common case where we just want to save the data to a temporary file and point some external program at it. Perhaps the config could specify a map from MIME types to helper functions, eg:
application/pdf = epdfview %s
Jeremy Henty
Seconded. The DPI itself is just an external program anyway, so we may as well cut out the middleman. ~Benjamin