Hi, I really like the way Ctrl-l now just selects the current URL in normal mode avoiding a dialog window. In fullscreen mode however, the short switch to normal mode to enter the new URL requires a complete redraw of the page contents. Also the contents "jumps" down for the time the location bar is shown. This can be distracting. Do we really want to kill all uses of dialog windows? We still have "Search the Web" anyway. Also the location of the "IMG ON/OFF" button seems a bit arbitrary. How could a consistent user interface of dillo look like? Here is my proposal - just to start the discussion: * Everything is accessible via the menubar and via keyboard shortcuts. The shortcuts are shown behind the menu entries. * All shortcuts are configurable. * No more img on/off button. One can use a menubar entry or keyboard shortcut instead. * The "Search the Web" button should be just as all the other buttons ("Back", "Forw" ...) and be configurable of course. Perhaps a single config option like: panel_buttons="back, forw, home, reload, save, stop, book" * The "HTML bugs" button in the status bar is ok. It shows the bug-state of the current page. * "Search the Web" opens the start page of the selected search engine (e.g. google.com) and selects the search text field. I'm not sure about that, but it avoids the dialog window and it makes clear to which search engine the query is sent. The additional page load for the empty search page is only required once - then it's cached. * In fullscreen mode "Ctrl-l" opens a dialog window again. Any better solution? Cheers, Johannes