On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 08:05:05AM +0000, corvid wrote:
Jeremy wrote:
Why do we defer loading the CSS stylesheets named in <link> elements until the <head> element is closed? In html.cc, Html_tag_close_head() has the comment "charset is already set, load remote stylesheets now", but I don't understand the significance of the charset.
It looks like it dates to http://lists.auriga.wearlab.de/pipermail/dillo-dev/2009-February/005870.html
Yuk! So what should we do if the <head> includes a <style> element that @imports a style sheet? Defer loading that stylesheet until the end of the <head>? Maybe defer parsing the entire <style> element? Shouldn't we treat all the style information in the same way? It seems to me that currently we don't. (Mind you, I'm not familiar with these charset and reepush issues so I'm probably missing something.) Regards, Jeremy Henty