Henri Salo <fgeek at hack.fi> wrote:
Tomas wrote:
X-Mailer: Claws Mail 3.5.0 (GTK+ 2.12.0; i486-pc-linux-gnu)
Just noticed this. Is claws able to make much use of dillo2? Jorge put in a special-case workaround for "dillo -l -f -x XID URL" right before release, but I don't know whether anyone's using it (or if any claws users even know it's there)
Hmm...a moment of searching and the first hit I get is http://www.nabble.com/Using-of-Dillo2-td20014194.html which suggests that, no, they don't know.
Athur F. Ucksayke from #claws is interested what command: "dillo -l -f -x XID URL" is supposed to do? Is this documented?
It seems to be so that I didn't really understood or even think about the name (or more more closely the joke) and this should show to the community how well people in some projects would like to get contacts and help things to work.
It doesn't show anything like that. It is possible to be serious and mix that with humour, just as it is possible to tell a joke but make a serious point. Mr Ucksayke has been part of the Claws Mail team since day 1, and you don't give up that much of your time over so many years just in order to make low-brow jokes. Since this is seeming way off-topic, I'll bring it back... "dillo -l -f -x XID URL" these options are known by the Claws Mail team, they are built into the Claws Mail Dillo Browser plugin - iirc, they first appeared in Dillo as a result of a discussion between Melvin, the developer of the plugin, and the Dillo team. The Claws Mail users do know these options, at least through the plugins preferences page, and, I would imagine, the majority of them do use these options. imo, having the option to avoid loading of remote content is crucial in an email app's html message display.
Minus points to Athur U. as in claws.
Athur U.'s points reset to zero. regards Paul -- "Thanks to his green candle, the 'Pataphysician can lighten our darkness."