Hi Alex,
I didn't get much further with this yet, but in the meantime, here is a very simple example script which attempts to achieve the same goal.
It opens the specified file in a new Dillo window and then automatically reloads the page whenever the file changes. Note that it only reloads the active tab.
This relies on the 'entr' and 'xdotool' programs, but 'entr' can be easily replaced with a bit more scripting if desired.
```` #!/bin/sh # dillomon.sh # Monitor a local file for changes with Dillo # usage: dillomon.sh filename
dillo $1 & sleep 1 echo $1 | entr xdotool key --window `xdotool search --classname Dillo | tail -1` ctrl+r
Thanks!, that should do it for now. Eventually I'll need to add a tool to control the browser for automated testing, so I will probably also add the ability to refresh the current page too. So not sure if we want to spend too much effort in this, provided there is a intermediate solution already. I began tagging easy issues with "good first issue", so far only one: https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3... Best, Rodrigo.