Victor Sahlstedt writes:
Good idea. What about ./configure --with-icon-set=xyz?
I thought of that, but I didn't mention it because people would expect a patch if I did. :) Frankly, Automake/Autoconf and friends scare me, and I don't want to touch them.
Dillo should resemble Dillo and not Konqueror, Netscape or XYZ. Having that said i'd love to see new, more professional-looking icons.
I disagree, because users should not have to learn the meaning of new icons all the time. The fewer sets of icons there are, the easier Dillo will be for non-expert users to learn. Maybe the Ximian icons should be used as the default, since Dillo is a Gtk application. GNOME users are likely to have seen them before. Best, -- Chris music is what numbers feel like San Francisco, CA