On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 05:06:52PM -0000, Ballance, Robert T wrote:
By the way, jcid@, I heard you were at FOSDEM, and were staying with Mind.be, which one were you again, I was staying there with the MirOS/MirBSD hackers, I stayed up all night working on ports, so I probably saw you downstairs sometime hacking away (or listening to those comical Plan9 fellows talk ;))
There were two guys with long black hair. One was the Plan9 speechman, the other was me. ...and, we spend more than an hour talking to each other that night. ;)
BTW, there was a guy in the room, playin funny music on his notebook. Was it you? :-)
Now I know who you were, heh, I was that blond young fellow, not the german guy, I am/was the American. I had a shitty old IBM Thinkpad with a big BSD sticker on the back, I came down later, after all the MirOS(/BSD) fellows had gone to sleep.
I seem to remember that laptop... Probably mine is older.
That Plan9 fellow was awfully opinionated wasn't he? :-P
Yes, but he also had a lot of knowledge, and he was willing to share and discuss it (a thing that's not very common), so I really enjoyed the talk.
He discarded the FreeBSD Project as anything worth a damn on the grounds that "how can a OS be respected that doesn't even have their own compiler?"
Maybe it was an indirect pointer to Ken Thompson's reflections on trusting trust.
Btw, are you going to do anything GNU/specific with the FLTK port, or will there be the possibility of porting Dillo/FLTK to Windows (blech! but still, OSS on Windows is useful :))
AFAIK, there're still some Windows limitations as, for instance, not being possible to watch a pipe's activity with select(). We'll see... -- Cheers Jorge.-