On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 09:57:29AM +0200, Thomas Orgis wrote: Am Fri, 22 Apr 2011 20:48:03 -0400 schrieb Rob S. <mr_semantics@hotmail.com>:
The right-click close tab works far easier then ctrl-q... and I'm a keyboard fanatic!
I am in 100% Agreement here - I know Ben mentioned the same functionality can be had with a middle click on some other browsers, but with my mouse, it is not nearly as nice clicking a middle mouse button to close tabs (I tested this on some other browsers) as it is right clicking.
But then... given the precedence of Ctrl+w / Ctrl+q being in place for GUI apps since ages (heck, even xpdf closes the file with Ctrl+w and the whole app with Ctrl+q) ... why does dillo have to have a slightly different idea about the workins of these shortcuts? And now, since there seems to be a "standard" set by other browsers about closing a tab with middle click, why has dillo have to choose the right click for the same action? Isn't that a guarantee to annoy any converts? For what gain?
Looking at this from a coding perspective, the ctrl+q combo will close tabs, ***as well as*** quit the application. Seems to be a dual purpose. Checking Seamonkey, so OK, ctrl+w does quit the browser while closing tabs/windows, too! So maybe ctrl+w should be assigned to close tabs within Dillo? (I've noticed too, when I go to close a tab within Seamonkey I would accidentally press ctrl+q to close a window -- and watch in horror as Seamonkey quit 5+ tabs of active research! ;-) -- Roger http://rogerx.freeshell.org/