Hi! I've lurked for a couple days, and seeing that this is an active list, thought I'd say "hi." Hi! At the moment, I'm a casual Dillo user, but I definitely like the browser and the idea behind it. I'd love to contribute, and when I've had a chance to sourcedive a bit and check out the bugtracker, you may see a thing or two from me. Things I'm interested in working on at the moment are adding options to configure keybindings (and if that ends up happening, maybe creating CUA (most graphical applications)/Emacs/vi/Conkeror/Firefox (probably not all of the above, but at least a couple) easily-loadable keymaps), and possibly adding surfraw support as an optional module (I haven't thought about how to implement these or anything; just brainstorming), and maybe find-as-you-type searching. (I know that sounds like a list of complaints, but it's not meant that way at all.) I'll likely play around with some of this stuff at some point, but if you have any ideas/tips on where to look for relevant code/how to go about it, sweet! Er. How's that for an introduction? Have a nice ${time_of_day}! -- If I Ever Become An Evil Villainess... 176. I will add indelible dye to the moat. It won't stop anyone from swimming across, but even dim-witted guards should be able to figure out when someone has entered in this fashion.