On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 04:40:55PM +0200, Damien COUDERC wrote:
Hi, i have problems with dillo on sparc64. When using a mechanism of OpenBSD 's malloc i'm able to detect a bug in the dpi stuff. At the moment i've found that the function Dpi_append_io_buf() in the file src/IO/dpi.c is wrong.
The following line is reallocating a buffer: conn->Buf = g_realloc(conn->Buf, (gulong)io->Status);
But when debugging the values of io->Status don't seem to be adequate. I haven't been able to completely fix it as the code is seriously lacking of comment.
All the dpi stuff is under a big revision. The current diff I'm working on is 40 pages. BTW, in the new version, that line is: conn->Buf = g_realloc(conn->Buf, conn->BufSize + (gulong)io->Status);
To be honest i don't even completely understand what this chunk is doing and the code is so unreadable that it doesn't help (not to be harsh but just to give my humble opinion).
:-O -- Jorge.-