Hiya! I put my patch for a tabbed version of Dillo on a geocities page, so if you are quick you might be able to download it before Yahoo? shuts it down because the site has exceeded its puny transfer allowance. Get it here: http://www.geocities.com/ikbenfrank/dillo-20030615-tabs.patch.gz md5sum: dae3cc4bb8c6c31050abaf8013a7e973 As said, this patch applies to today's (well, yesterday's) CVS version of Dillo. Good Luck//Frank -- WWWWW ________________________ ## o o\ / Frank de Lange \ }# \| / +46-734352015 \ \ `--| _/ <Hacker for Hire> \ `---' \ +31-640037120 / \ frank@unternet.org / `------------------------' [ "Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est." ]