On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 03:52:38PM +0000, corvid wrote:
Johannes wrote:
You proposed a popup bar similar to the search bar, right? Do we really need to create a completly new mechansim for user notifications? Currently we have:
* window title * status bar * popup Windows (from dpi's)
I think we should try to keep the UI simple and consistent by reducing the number of concepts.
Maybe it would be nice if popup windows turned into something like a popup bar.
Sounds good to me. So we would just have alternative implementations for a_Dialog_msg a_Dialog_choice3 a_Dialog_choice5 a_Dialog_user_password a_Dialog_input a_Dialog_passwd
PS: I recently tried http://surf.suckless.org/ and I'm rather impressed by the minimal UI.
I read a little about surf and uzbl recently, but then webkit was too big for me to want to download.
Yes, it's quite large.
(Surprised a person would intentionally name a browser 'surf' nowadays. I had thought of web "surfing" as a term as thankfully dead and buried as "information superhighway" or "cyberspace".)
good point :-)