p37sitdu wrote:
Patch implements functions similar to Firefox addon RequestPolicy. [1] It allows user to control automatic requests more flexible than filter_auto_requests option. Patch removes this option and replaces it with file .dillo/domainrc that looks like this:
default deny wikipedia.org .wikimedia.org wikisource.org .wikimedia.org wikitionary.org .wikimedia.org wikiversity.org .wikimedia.org
That way most requests are denied, but images on wikipedia are loaded from wikimedia.org without clicking on them.
Patterns can start with "." to allow subdomains.
Special pattern "*" can be used to allow requests to any domains from some domain (for example if it is a website full of external images) or to allow requests from any domain to some domain (maybe CDN).
Without domainrc file all cross-domain requests are denied.
Committed with a little dilloification, etc. At the moment, I have the default set to accept rather than deny, thinking that it might be easier for us to build up a sample or default domainrc with a bunch of notorious ad sites to blacklist than it would be to whitelist enough common sites that use a [site]images.com or suchlike.