I'm an Ubuntu user. My connection speed is just 5kbps. Dillo is just amazing!! It opens the web pages in seconds.
That's good to hear.
When i right click on a web page, it automatically chooses previous option. Thank you very much.
Yeah, that's a nice feature of the fltk toolkit. It does this automatically.
But I'm not be able to view 'TAMIL' language sites. Is there anyway to view tamil sites?
What exactly does not work? Are you seeing little square instead of tamil characters? In that case you can try to install FreeSans and FreeSerif, which are part of the freefont package. Then change the fonts in your dillorc to: font_sans_serif="FreeSerif" font_sans_serif="FreeSans" Note however, that you might also need to force the use of these new default fonts in case the webpage chooses a different font explicitely. To do that add e.g. * {font-family: sans-serif !important} to your ~/.dillo/style.css file. Hope that helps, Johannes