2010/1/19 Johannes Hofmann <Johannes.Hofmann@gmx.de>:
Do you have a fast or slow internet connection?
I have FTTH at home and the connection iself is quite fast.
Do you know what kind of proxy you are connecting to?
I'm using this proxy on my machine. <<http://www.acme.com/software/micro_proxy/>> But I modified this to act as daemon and limit the active connection (usually the active connection limit is 4 but proxy itself accepts all connections). I found that my modification for the proxy caused the problem. I had to modify a_Capi_stop_client like this. Client = a_Cache_client_get_if_unique(Key); - if (Client && (force || Client->BufSize == 0)) { + if (Client && force) { /* remove empty entries too */ a_Capi_conn_abort_by_url(Client->Url); After I canceled my modification, downloading didn't stop but I started seeing this kind of warning. ** WARNING **: IO_write, closing with pending data not sent ** WARNING **: "GET http://img.f.hatena.ne.jp/images/fotolife/z/zankuro/20090805/20090805082105.... HTTP/1.1\x0D Regards, furaisanjin