* Haines Brown <brownh@hartford-hwp.com> [10-29-04 19:40]:
I've tried to get myself unsubscribed to this list (to which someone kindly subscribed me without my knowledge or permission), by emailing the admistrator, but it seems my letter ended up on hold somewhere. Would somone kindly suggest an alternative method for me to unsubscribe? There's no facility on the web page for doing so.
there is a mailto address in every header from dillo-dev and webpage provision in the trailer mailto:dillo-dev-request@lists.auriga.wearlab.de?subject=unsubscribe http://lists.auriga.wearlab.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dillo-dev directions for unsubing appear in the bottom section of the web page. ps: it is also common curtesy to give a subject indicative of the message content and to *not* hijack threads. Please have a good day and remember: read the instructions provided. -- Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 http://wahoo.no-ip.org @ http://counter.li.org HOG # US1244711 Photo Album: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/photos