On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Jorge Arellano Cid <jcid@dillo.org> wrote:
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 02:34:06AM -0500, reza farivar wrote:
But at least for me loading a page is a hit or miss experiment. Sometimes
waits for a long time (maybe 2-3 minutes) and couldn't connect, as if
it there
was a DNS problem, other times it loads the same page easily in a few seconds. Here's the output from the terminal, after trying to connect to yahoo.com site unsuccessfully (waiting for a long time):
and it almost hangs here. During this time the CPU utilization hovers around 134% (on a dual core machine), with 3 threads and 48MB of memory usage.
The busy wait is a sign that something went really wrong. If it was a slow DNS, polling would not bump CPU usage.
So after installing the latest version of dillo (and disabling threaded DNS) I have no warnings but the problems still remain. I can consistently make the following scenario happen: After starting dillo, I open a new tab and enter a random website URL. Dillo gets into the busy wait loop (133% CPU usage, 3 threads) and doesn't load the page even after 10 minutes of waiting. Then I open another tab and enter another website (www.yahoo.com), and this makes both tabs to load their contents immediately. In general I never saw a connection problem when opening a link in a currently opened page. The problem always happens when entering a page URL manually in the address bar.
Is this behavior expected?
Not at all.
Perhaps it's related to the warnings above?
My guess is that it's either a DNS problem or an HTTP connection problem, resulting into a time-out case.
A couple of years ago I tried dillo-2.x in a Mac (FLTK2), and it mainly worked (without the delays you describe). I did compile it with the X server stuff. I don't know whether it is possible to compile it natively.
In what mode are you testing? (I ask because you said you couldn't compile dillo-2.x).
I am not running it with the X server. I think I have fltk1.3 compiled as native cocoa, the X11 server never opens up when running dillo, while other X11 apps (say links2) load it up. So I'm pretty sure I'm running it native.
P.S. Sometimes it seems if I open another tab and enter another address it will help the first tab to load, but I can't get it to consistently act like that. Other times, it seems a tab can get stuck waiting for the host and can never load the page. It also seems adding http:// to the beggining of addresses help some times, but not consistently.
No. That's coincidence. Maybe there's a timing/sequence problem with the socket connection. If I only had a Mac here to try...
Please see the scenario described above.
P.S.2 I checked my network connection with my other browser (chrome) and it has no problem connecting the mentioned websites.
If the other browser gets a quick DNS answer, then the problem is elsewhere.
P.S.3 Are there reference rendering snapshots available? The Yahoo's web site and even Google's both render in a strange way (similar to the way links2 renders them). In fact the only website that I could get to render correctly is dillo.org (when it opens, other times it just decides not to open even after 5 minutes of waiting).
Dillo doesn't have support for "floating elements" yet. The web has become full of them because of slow rendering of tables. Well, we're supposed to work on it in the near future. For the meanwhile, you'll see weird "unrolled" pages.
That good to hear. It seems you guys are now focused on this port to 1.3 for the time being? Is the floating elements next in line? Thanks, Reza
-- Cheers Jorge.-
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