Scott Scriven wrote: [cut]
As for meta-refresh, I suppose it could be included without causing much trouble, on two conditions: It should retain its current "warn the user instead of refreshing" behavior, if the refresh goes to a different page. Also, it should let the user specify a minimum refresh time that the page cannot override. This would allow it to follow W3C standards, and not bother users.
Since the first patch I published the refresh meta tag has to be activated by '-r' option or it doesn't work and show the warning as usual. If you use the '-r' option so dillo behave like every bloat mozilla/firefox/opera/ie etc. etc. The option could *not* be save in the /etc/.dillorc but has to be put on the command line. Scott, do you thing this is sufficent? An option have to be activated by the user so I suppose he/she has to know what that option will be. If I want to be bothered, may I choose it? ;-) Cheers, -- Roberto A. Foglietta Analista Programmatore GNU/Linux SAD Trasporto Locale S.p.a. Corso Italia 13/N 39100 BOLZANO (I) Tel. +39/0471-450.261 Fax +39/0471-450.253