29 Aug
29 Aug
11:02 a.m.
Hi Martin, On Mon, 29 Aug 2016 13:29:39 +0300 Martin Atukunda <matlads at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi dillo-dev,
While reading, incidentally, news.ycombinator.com, I came across this:
Interesting! I use it a lot, but having read that page and then this one: https://css-tricks.com/use-target_blank/ Basically, if a user _wants_ to open a link in a new tab, it is up to them! I have removed all my target="_blank" stuff now, and will not use it again. Nick -- Gosh that takes me back... or is it forward? That's the trouble with time travel, you never can tell." -- Doctor Who "Androids of Tara"